Camino de Santiago, from skeptic to addictive.

You will just need only few steps, literally.

Diego Romero
4 min readMay 15, 2020

More articles about Camino de Santiago in the website.

Back in 2011, I was hardly aware of its existence. Although I had heard one of my friends had done the Camino de Santiago (The Way of Saint James), I was not interested in. I had gone through many new things in my life some months before so, talking with my little brother, the crazy idea of making some stages of the Camino by bike would come up. The typical «why not?» approach.

Some of my photos along the Camino.

The problem was that I’ve always been very industrial engineer oriented. Always. Ever since I was a kid and in some ways, I still am. What does it means? Problem solving, planning, optimization, data-driven decision, … the whole package. And that’s the approach I chose to face this challenge. Wrong but I was newbie. It was not my fault.

From problem solving to mindset shift

First mistake: finishing the Camino is not a problem. It is a matter of sheer will. You don’t have to be a professional triathlon athlete to finish the Camino. It is true that some key aspects must be chosen well: footwear and backpack. And of course remember something quite important: it is about walking. Around 30,000 to 50,000 steps a day on average.

You might think that as humans we are designed to walk and you would be right. And also that our ancestors, as hunters and gatherers, knew how to transport the impedimenta efficiently. Sure … but remember that your body needs to be used to walking, so don’t stress too soon. Don’t worry, your body will remember it sooner or later, but you must be patient.

And this is the first step to enjoy what you find: people, places, food, rain, cold, albergues (shelters), … but also fatigue, some blisters, or some boredom. In a short time, you will immerse yourself deeply in an infinite loop: wake up, walk, rest, have dinner, share stories with fellow pilgrims and go to sleep. And again. And again. This will be one of the easiest transitions for your new way of thinking: pure simplicity. And the simplicity is addictive.

From planning to «The Camino Provides»

Everyone knows that once you have goal, you‘ll do some research about all kind of things you need to accomplish it. So first stop: Youtube. I don’t know how many videos show almost every single detail about a stage or the different paths you can find. Second stop: forums. Same again.

There are some key aspects to be planned, at least the first time:

  • The route you want to walk. There are countless options: French Way, The North, Portuguese, Winter, English, Primitive, … all of them are perfect in some sense depending on what you want.
  • Packing list. Be sure to get rid of «just in case» items. Remember you’ll be in Spain or Portugal and never further than 1h from the nearest village, its pharmacy and its taxi. In this case, less is more: you will not need more than 6kg (even less than the famous 10% of your body weight). Maybe 2kg more in winter. You have to be aware that you will carry all this stuff every day. And the day after. Trust me, you don’t need many things.

Remember: Simplicity.

For everything else, you’ll experience the Universe helping you when you need most. Without knowing how, a fountain will appear when you’re about to run out of water, a first-seen pilgrim will share with you his/her food when you start to get hungry, … The Camino Provides. Miracles happen everywhere.

Connecting with people

Some pilgrims find their group in the first stage and they keep walking together until Santiago. Other pilgrims just share some sentences, few dinners and confidences with those they meet but all of them will get a new Camino’s family.

And that my friends is really addictive, the brotherhood, and the main reason what makes you go back to the Camino. The first two times, I just thought I was lucky to find those pilgrims/new friends but the third time it was the same… and the fourth.

You know what? I always go «solo» to the Camino but I never finish alone. Go without expectations and you’ll fully live the moment.



Diego Romero

Engineer and Camino’s lover. Passionate about Generative AI. Imagining Emerging Techs solutions. Always learning…